The Order of the Silver Eye had expanded beyond rumors. What started out as a small group of hungry brains grew into a force that extended beyond Leamington Spa.
The Disclosure
On the eve of his 21st birthday, Edward was standing on the town’s highest hill. The streets below were silent, oblivious to the storm that was building just out of view.
He was surrounded by Silver Eye initiates, Their faces were obscured by the moonlight as they wore black robes. They had assembled for the last ceremony, the one that would cement their position in history, the result of everything they had fought for.
No longer keeping things secret. The days of hiding in old church ruins are over. Tonight, they would declare themselves to the world as their own divine power, not as the slaves of long-forgotten gods.
Edward’s hands went up. Humming with invisible energy, the air grew thicker. Beneath them, sigils etched into the earth pulsed dimly, glimmering with a spooky brightness.
The words he spoke were his own, not taken from ancient texts or recited to him by ghosts.
A wilful chant.
A rallying cry.
The wind responded with a howl. Above, the stars flashed.
Their faces were obscured by the moonlight as they wore black robes. They had assembled for the last ceremony, the one that would cement their position in history, the result of everything they had fought for.
No longer keeping things secret. The days of hiding in old church ruins are over. Tonight, they would declare themselves to the world as their own divine power, not as the slaves of long-forgotten gods.
Edward’s hands went up. Humming with invisible energy, the air grew thicker. As if something had happened between them, the sigils etched into the ground under them pulsed brightly. It was as if reality itself trembled.
With their hearts racing at the realisation that they were seeing something that was beyond human comprehension, the initiates breathed in unison.
Then the heavens parted.
Like a fissure in the world itself, a dazzling light, silver and gold, writhing and twisting, burst from the heavens. Doors opened and heads turned towards the strange illumination as the community below awoke.
Edward had a serene smile. managed. He had succeeded.
The Coming
It was neither a force of nature, nor was it the energy of a single being that surged through the air. It had only potential. The universe’s unprocessed fabric, yielding to his will.
Attracted by the town’s chatter, the priest, the same man who had challenged him in the market square, had followed them. His face was twisted in dread as he stood at the foot of the slope.
The priest gasped and said, “This… this is blasphemy.” “This—you—is a monstrosity.”
Edward pivoted, “No, Dad. This is the reality.” The earth shuddered. The weight of the situation caused the initiates to kneel.
The priest’s hands were shaking as he stumbled forward. “You’re not divine.”
Edward laughed. “Am I not?”
Then he held up his hand. The priest collapsed to his knees as an invisible force tore through his body. His consciousness was overpowered by the presence pressed against him, causing him to breathe in quick gasps.
There was no need for Edward to touch him. He didn’t have to bend fire or call out shadows.
Just his will was sufficient.
There was a last heaving breath from the priest, and then—no sound.

Below, the town had witnessed. They had seen firsthand how his mere presence had destroyed one of their own.
They also comprehended.
Not as adversaries. Not as doubters.
as followers, however.
Keep Reading Dipdives.com to know what happens in the end.